Call for Papers-SI on MOVE

Special Issue on Measuring Ontologies for Value Enhancement

Aims and Scope
The MOVE (Measuring Ontologies for Value Enhancement) is a community of academic researchers and industrial practitioners that aim to inspire research, discussion, and tools to achieve value from ontologies by measuring their impact in all fields. These measures would identify where there are gaps and overlaps within and across ontologies and the extent to which they are applied in multiple disciplines towards a holistic general ontology.

Lead Guest Editor

Rubina Polovina
Systems Affairs, Canada
Research Interests: Post-Object-Oriented Modelling and AI

Guest Editors

Simon Polovina
Department of Computing, Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Research Interests: Business Computing

Ivan Launders
BT Global, UK
Research Interests: Global Cloud Architecture


Special Issue Information
The contributions from researchers describing their original, unpublished, research contribution on the following theme (but not limited to):

Manuscript Submission Information
Submission deadline: May 31, 2025

Submissions that pass pre-check will be reviewed by at least two reviewers of the specific field.
Free fast publication and early access will be provided to all accepted papers. 

If you have any queries regarding this special issue or other matters, please feel free to contact the editorial office: