
Qingling Zhang  Website 
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Research Areas:  Remote Sensing Monitoring of Marine Ecological Environment, Remote Sensing Big Data Mining and Information Extraction, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications in Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Land Cover and Land Use Change, Onboard Remote Sensing Data Processing and Object Recognition
E-mail: zhangqling@mail.sysu.edu.cn

Introduction: Dr. Qingling Zhang is a professor at the Sun Yat-sen University, China. He has served as a researcher and deputy director of the Space Information Research Center at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, a research assistant and research scientist at Yale University, and a guest editor for the academic journal Remote Sensing. 

He has led and is leading multiple scientific research and international cooperation projects funded by the U.S. and Chinese government departments. The project he led under the Ministry of Science and Technology's key research and development program was endorsed by national leaders and adopted by local business management departments. He developed the MODIS Albedo Product Gap Filling Algorithm, which was adopted by NASA; proposed multi-source remote sensing image assimilation fusion algorithms, established the VANUI and NDUI urban indices, widely used in urbanization and its environmental response research. He served as a reviewer for the NASA Suomi NPP satellite scientist team in 2014. He has published two academic monographs and more than 50 SCI articles.

He is a recipient of the Sun Yat-sen University "Hundred Talents Program" academic leader in 2018, the Chinese Academy of Sciences "Hundred Talents Program" overseas academic leader in 2015, and Shenzhen "Peacock Talents" high-level overseas talent in 2015.


Advisory Board Members

Andrey G. Kostianoy   Website 
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Research Areas:
 Satellite Remote Sensing of the Oceans and Inland seas, Satellite Monitoring of Oil Pollution of the Seas, Physical Oceanography, Regional Climate Change, Environmental Problems

Dongxiao Wang    Website 
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Research Areas:
Ocean dynamics, Air-Sea Interaction, Acoustic Signals, Accurate Identification, Spatial Resolution

Associate Editors

Di Liu   Website 

University of Oklahoma, USA
Research Area: Polar Glacier Remote Sensing, Moonlight Remote Sensing in Polar Region, Polar Ice and Snow Observation and Monitoring, Development and Applications of Remote Sensing Algorithms, Climate Change, Environmental Remote Sensing

Haoyang Yu   Website 
Dalian Maritime University, China
Research Area: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Coastal Zone Remote Sensing, Costal Wetland, Deep Learning and Machine Learning, Optical Remote Sensing Target Detection in the Ocean, Remote Sensing Image Processing and Applications

Jun Zhao   Website 
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Research Area: Remote Sensing of Marine Environments, Ocean Optics, Satellite Monitoring of Marine Hazards, Remote Sensing-based Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems

Mingjia Shangguan   Website 
Xiamen University, China
Research Area: Lidar Technology, Doppler Lidar, Atmospheric Wind Detection, Fiber-Based Lidar Systems, Remote Sensing for Atmospheric Science, High-Resolution Environmental Monitoring

Shilin Tang   Website 
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
Research Area: Inversion Methods for Coastal Water Color Remote Sensing , High-Resolution Remote Sensing for Islands and Coastal Zones, Remote Sensing of Mesoscale and Submesoscale Oceanic Processes, Analysis of Marine Big Data

Zhijun Dai   Website 
East China Normal University, China
Research Area: Morpho-Sedimentary Dynamics of Coast and Estuary, Land-Ocean Interaction in the Coastal Zone, Sea-Level Rise, Remote Sensing Monitoring of Mangrove Ecosystem Biomorphodynamics, Storm-Induced Pressures on Coastal Zones, Beach Sedimentation

Editorial Board Members

Ali Mohammadzadeh
Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Iran
Research Areas:
LiDAR Technology and Its Applications, Application of Remote Sensing in Disaster Management, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, Image Processing and Analysis, Remote Sensing Calibration and In-Situ Measurements, Optical, Thermal, Multispectral, UAV or Satellite Data Processing

Alireza Sharifi   Website 
Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Iran
Research Areas:
Remote sensing big data, Integration of SAR and Optical Remote Sensing, Mapping Biophysical Characteristics of Vegetation, Application of Remotely Sensed Products in Hazard Monitoring and Management

Amin Beiranvand Pour   Website 
University Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
Research Areas:
Geological Remote Sensing, Coastal Geology Studies, Multispectral Data Processing, Structural mapping, Geohazard Modelling, Envirionmental Geospatial Modelling

Aqil Tariq
Mississippi State University, USA
Research Areas:
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Optical Satellite Imagery, Spatial Statistics, Ecosystem Sustainability, Hazards Risk Reduction, Statistical Analysis and Modeling

Ashok K. Keshari   Website 
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India
Research Areas:
Remote Sensing & Geoinformatics, Hydrology & Water Resources, Hydrological & Environmental Modelling, Groundwater & Pollution Modelling, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Climate Change Impact, Numerical & Optimization Modelling

Ismail Elkhrachy   Website 
Najran University, Saudi Arabia
Research Areas:
Remote Sensing and GIS,  Satellite Imagery, Surveying Engineering, Data Science and Machine Learning, Drone techniques

Johnbosco C. Egbueri   Website 
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Nigeria
Research Areas:
Environmental Analysis, Natural Hazards, Geomorphological Studies, Potentially Toxic Elements, Microplastics, Hydrometeorology, Machine Learning

Nan Xu   Website 
Hohai University, China
Research Areas:
Remote Sensing Applications on Coast and Hydrology, Multi-Source Satellite Data, Ocean Remote Sensing Technology, Remote Sensing Geospatial Analysis