Environmental Quality, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Selected African Countries





economic growth, energy consumption, environment, Africa


This study examines the nexus between environmental quality, energy consumption and growth performance between 1981 and 2019 in selected African Countries. The study adopts the Co-integration analytical technique based on the framework of FMOLS and DOLS to analyse the panel data. The empirical finding shows that environmental quality (CO2 Emission) positively and significantly impacts economic growth in Africa. Similarly, energy consumption impacts economic growth positively and significantly. Also, the interaction of environmental quality and energy consumption positively and significantly propel economic growth. The FMOL evidence indicates that all the key variables are significant at 1% critical value. Therefore, the study recommends that African countries be committed to sustainable measures towards sustainable economic growth and development based on Africa's aspiration by 2063 to attain growth and a quality environment.


Received: 27 February 2023 | Revised: 11 April 2023 | Accepted: 21 April 2023


Conflicts of Interest

The author declares that he has no conflicts of interest to this work.


Data Availability Statement

Data sharing not applicable – no new data generated.




How to Cite

Olaoye, O. (2023). Environmental Quality, Energy Consumption and Economic Growth: Evidence from Selected African Countries. Green and Low-Carbon Economy, 2(1), 28–36. https://doi.org/10.47852/bonviewGLCE3202802



Research Articles