Call for Papers - SI on Climate Change and Urban Sustainability: Energy, Environment, and Economic Policy

Special Issue on Climate Change and Urban Sustainability: Energy, Environment, and Economic Policy

Aims and Scope
This Special Issue seeks novel scientific papers on energy, environment, and economic policy that, if chosen well, can improve adaptation and mitigation to climate change and thus advance urban sustainability. By assembling diverse perspectives and empirical studies, we hope to provide policymakers, scholars and the public with an in-depth understanding and reference on this important topic. Global warming and climate extremes are causing severe environmental, economic, and social consequences to urban sustainability. At the same time, with the acceleration of urbanization, the production, living, transport and other activities in cities consume 78 per cent of the world's energy and emit more than 60 per cent of greenhouse gases. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has predicted that if the current patterns of energy consumption continue, by the end of the 21st century, the Earth's carbon dioxide concentration could exceed 700 ppm, which could lead to a global temperature rise of 1.4℃ - 5.8℃. Obviously, climate change challenges us all to find a new development paradigm that balances economic growth and long-term prosperity with social progress and ecological sustainability, thus making cities an important battleground in the fight against climate change.

Lead Guest Editor

Jichao Geng  Email:
Anhui University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: Energy and Environment Management, Environmental Sustainability, Economic Governance and Policy, Behavioral Decision Method, Sustainable Transportation

Guest Editors

Linling Zhang  Email:
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, China
Research Interests: Energy Economic and Management, Environmental Management and Policy, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Wenbo Li  Email:
Jiangsu Normal University, China
Research Interests: Energy and Environment Management, Pro-Environment Behavior, Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, Big Data Application

Feiyu Chen  Email:
China University of Mining and Technology, China
Research Interests: Resource and Environmental Management, Data Mining and Intelligent Decision-making, Environmental Psychology and Behavior, Quantitative Analysis of Policies

Xiu Cheng  Email:
Nanjing Forestry University, China
Research Interests: Low-carbon Consumption Behavior, Environmental Policy, Energy Economics and Management

Suseok Seo  Email:
Yuhan University, South Korea
Research Interests: E-commerce Systems, Business Models, Consumption and Marketing, Platform Business

Special Issue Information
· Climate change and economic growth
· Climate change mitigation and adaptation
· Urban sustainability and resilience
· Alternative, clean, sustainable, and renewable energy
· Energy management and pollution abatement
· Economic policy, green growth, and sustainable urban development
· Technology and innovation for ecological and economic sustainability
· Green and low-carbon production, consumption, and lifestyle

Manuscript Submission Information
Submission deadline: September 30, 2024
Submissions that pass pre-check will be reviewed by at least two reviewers of the specific field.
Free fast publication and early access will be provided to all accepted papers.

If you have any queries regarding this special issue or other matters, please feel free to contact the editorial office: